Chris K Anderson
- Professor Operations and Analytics
- SC Johnson College of Business
- School of Hotel Administration
- Cornell University
- Ithaca, NY 14853
I am a Professor at Cornell University’s SC Johnson College of Business, School of Hotel Administration. My main research focus is on data analytics and its application to service pricing. I actively work with companies, across numerous industry types, in the application and development of analytics - having worked with a variety of online travel agencies, hotels, airlines, rental car and tour companies. Anderson’s research has been funded by numerous governmental agencies and industrial partners and he serves on the editorial board of Service Science, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management and is the regional editor for the International Journal of Revenue Management.
Anderson is a recognized expert in the area of service pricing, often acting as an expert witness in legal cases involving online travel agencies and he serves on Expedia’s Industry Quorum – a board of thought leaders helping shape research at Expedia. Anderson is on the Americas Board and the Revenue Management Advisory Board at Hospitality Sales and Marketing International, a non-profit organization focused on improving hospitality sales and marketing practices worldwide. Anderson has been awarded Cornell’s Center for Hospitality Research Industry Relevance Award three times. The award honors applied research impacting the practice of management
Anderson teaches executives and presents at industry conference around the world on the practice of revenue management and analytics. He has taught Quantitative Methods and Service Operations Management along with courses in Revenue Management and Analytics. He teaches Revenue Management, Advanced Revenue Management and Pricing and Data Analytics in the school’s executive education program in addition to custom programs designed for individual firms. He is also author of eCornell's (Cornell’s non-degree online education platform) Data Analytics, Data Analytics in Rcertificate programs as well as other certificates in Revenue Management.
- BS Engineering University of Guelph 1993
- MSc Engineering University of Guelph 1995
- MBA Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario1998
- PhD Management Science, Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario 2002
Academic Appointments
- Cornell University- SC Johnson College of Business, School of Hotel Administration
- Professor July, 2017-current
- Director Center for Hospitality Research, July 2016-2019
- Associate Professor July 2011-June 2017
- Assistant Professor July 2006-June 2011
- University of Western Ontario - Ivey School of Business
- Assistant Professor July 2002-June 2006
- Y. Wang, K., McGuire, J., Terbush, M., Towns, and CK. Anderson. Forthcoming. Choice-based dynamic pricing for vacation rentals. Informs Journal of Applied Analytics (formally known as Interfaces).
- Saram Han, and CK Anderson. Forthcoming Web Scraping for Hospitality Research - Overview, Opportunities and Implications, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.
- Saram Han, and CK Anderson. Forthcoming. The Effect of Customer-Manager Social Engagement upon Online Booking Behavior. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.
- Ming Cheng, Anderson, C.K. Forthcoming. Search Engine Consumer Journeys: Exploring and Segmenting Click-Through Behaviors. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.
- Guo, Q, Anderson, C.K., Dong, J., Zhao, P., and Ji, Q. 2020. Coordination Contracts for Hotels and Online Travel Agents. Sustainability, 12, 3355.
- Saram Han, and CK Anderson. Forthcoming. Customer Motivation and Response Bias in Online Reviews. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.
- Ming Cheng, CK. Anderson, Zhen Zhu, S. Chan Choi. 2018. Service online search ads: from a consumer journey view. Journal of Services Marketing. 32(2), pp.126-141.
- CK Anderson, Han, S. 2018. Living without OTA –Goodbye Columbus: Putting the Jeni Back in the Bottle. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. 59(1) pp. 57-59.
- CK Anderson, and Ming Cheng. 2017. Multi-click Attribution in Sponsored Search Advertising: An Empirical Study in Hospitality Industry. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.58(3), 253-262.
- X. Xie, R Verma, and CK Anderson. 2017. Customer Preferences and Opaque Intermediaries. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. 58(4), 342-353.
- CK Anderson, X Xie. 2016. Dynamic pricing in hospitality: overview and opportunities. International Journal of Revenue Management 9 (2-3), 165-174.
- UNWTO, A Blomberg-Nygard and CK Anderson. 2016. United Nations World Tourism Organization study on online guest reviews and hotel classification systems: An integrated approach. Service Science 8(2), 00 139-151.
- CK Anderson and B Marcus. 2015. Tour Operator Revenue Management-Competitive Supply Chain Contracting. 14(4) Journal of Revenue Management and Pricing. pp. 245-261.
- J. Zhang, B. Lawrence and CK. Anderson. 2015. An Agency perspective on service triads: linking operational and financial performance. Journal of Operations Management. 35(1) pp. 56-66.
- X. Xie, R. Verma and CK. Anderson. 2015. Demand Growth in Services: An Experimental Choice Analysis of Opaque Selling. Decision Sciences. 9(1).
- CK. Anderson, F. Odegaard and JG. Wilson. 2015. A Newsvendor Approach to Inventory and Pricing Decisions in NYOP Channels. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management.
14(1) pp. 3-18.
- CK. Anderson and B. Lawrence. 2014. The Influence of Online Reputation and Product Heterogeneity on Service Firm Performance. Service Science. 6(4) 217-228. * Winner of 2014 Service Science Best Paper Award.
- Odegaard, F and CK. Anderson. 2014. Retail Selling with All-Pay Auctions. European Journal of Operational Research. 239(2) pp. 579-592.
- CK. Anderson and K Xie. 2014. Pricing and Market Segmentation Using Opaque Selling Mechanisms. European Journal of Operational Research. 233(1) pp. 263-272.
- Qiang Guo, Ye Shi, Junfeng Dong, Xiaolong Guo, CK. Anderson. 2014. Pricing Competition and Channel Coordination in Tourism Supply Chain with Optional Tours. Tourism Economics. 20(5) 939-960.
- CK. Anderson and K Xie. 2012. A Choice Based Dynamic Programming Approach for Setting Opaque Prices. Production and Operations Management. 21(3) pp. 590-605.
- JG Wilson, L MacDonald, and CK Anderson. 2011. A comparison of different demand models for joint inventory-pricing decisions. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 10(6) pp. 528-544.
- CK Anderson and JG Wilson. 2011. Name-your-own price auction mechanisms: Modeling and future implications. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 10(1) pp.32-39. Special Issue: 10th Anniversary Edition.
- L MacDonald, CK Anderson and R Verma. 2010. Using revealed- and stated-preference customer choice models for making pricing decisions in services. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management.
- CK Anderson and K Xie. 2010. Improving Hospitality Industry Sales: 25 Years of Revenue Management. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 51(1) pp. 53-67.
- L MacDonald, CK Anderson, and H Rasmussen. 2010. Pricing and Inventory Policies under Price Tracking Behavior. International Journal of Revenue Management. 4(1) pp. 1-21.
- CK Anderson, SE Kimes, and WJ Carroll. 2009. Teaching Revenue Management at Cornell University School of Hotel Administration. INFORMS Transactions in Education. , 9(3) pp. 109-116.
- CK Anderson and K Xie. 2009. Room Risk Management for a Tour Operator. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. 50(3) pp. 314-324.
- CK Anderson. 2009. Setting Prices on Priceline. Interfaces. 39(4) pp. 307-315.
- CK Anderson, JG Wilson and G Zhang. 2009. Bidding on Priceline. INFORMS Transactions in Education. 9(1) pp. 35-45.
- CK Anderson and N Brisley. 2009. Employee Stock Options: an up-and-out protected barrier call. Applied Mathematical Finance.
- JF Dreyer, SL McLeod, CK Anderson, MW Carter and GS Zaric. 2009. Physician workload and the Canadian Emergency Department Triage and Acuity Scale: the Predictors of Workload in the Emergency Room (POWER) Study. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 11(4) PP. 321-329.
- N Brisley and CK Anderson. 2008. Employee Stock Options with an Early Exercise Boundary. Financial Analysts Journal. 64(5) PP. 88-100. * Winner of best paper award-Financial Executives International Canada Conference.
- B Marcus and CK. Anderson. 2008. Revenue Management for Low-Cost Carriers. European Journal of Operational Research. 188(1) pp. 258-272.
- L. Cipriano, BM Chesworth, CK Anderson, and GS Zaric. 2008. An evaluation of strategies to reduce waiting times for total joint replacement in Ontario. Medical Care. 46(11) pp.1177-1183.
- L. Cipriano, BM Chesworth, CK Anderson, and GS Zaric. 2007. Predicting Joint Replacement Waiting Times. Healthcare Management Science. 10(2) pp. 195-215.
- M. Li, T Oum and CK Anderson. 2007. An airline seat allocation game. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 6(4) pp.260-263.
- CK Anderson and WJ Carroll. 2007. Demand Management: Beyond Revenue Management. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 6(4) pp.321-330.
- B. Marcus and CK. Anderson. 2006. Low-Price Guarantees – A Real Options Analysis. Operations Research. 54(6) pp. 1041-1050.
- JG Wilson, CK Anderson and SW Kim. 2006. Optimal Booking Limits in the Presence of Strategic Consumer Behavior. International Transactions in Operational Research. 13(2) pp. 99-110.
- CK. Anderson, H Rasmussen and L. MacDonald. 2005. Competitive Pricing with Asymmetric Price Effects. International Transactions in Operational Research. 12 (5) pp. 509-525.
- CK. Anderson, H Rasmussen and M Davison. 2004. Revenue Management – A Real Options Approach. Naval Research Logistics. 51(5) pp. 686-703.
- CK. Anderson and M Blair. 2004. Performance Monitor: The Opportunity Costs of Revenue Management. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management. 2 (4) pp. 353-367.
- CK. Anderson and JG. Wilson. 2003. Wait or Buy? The Strategic Consumer: Pricing and Profit Implications. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 54 (3) pp.299-306.
- PC. Bell, CK. Anderson, and SP. Kaiser. 2003. Strategic Operations Research and the Edelman Prize Finalist Applications 1989-1998. Operations Research 51 (1) pp.17-31.
- PC. Bell and CK. Anderson. 2002. In Search of Strategic Operations Research. Interfaces 32(2) pp 28-40.
- M. Blair and CK. Anderson. 2002. Performance Monitor. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 1 (1) pp. 57-66.
- PC. Bell, S. Staples, CK. Anderson and M. Elder. 1999. Decision-Maker's Perceptions of the Value and Impact of Visual Interactive Modeling. Omega 27 pp. 155-165.
Book Chapters and Edited Volumes
- CK Anderson and S Kimes. 2012. Revenue Management. Hotel Investments: Issues and Perspectives, Fifth Edition.
- CK Anderson. Demand Management. 2011. Handbook of Applied Hospitality Strategy.
- CK Anderson and S Kimes. Revenue Management for Enhanced Profitability: An Introduction for Hotel Owners and Asset Managers. 2011 The Cornell School of Hotel Administration on Hospitality: Cutting Edge Thinking and Practice.
- S Kimes and CK Anderson. Hotel Revenue Management in an Economic Downturn. 2011 The Cornell School of Hotel Administration on Hospitality: Cutting Edge Thinking and Practice.
- JG Wilson, A. Benmerzouga and CK Anderson. Group Maintenance Policies. 1999 Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability.
Industry Reports and Publications
- E Martyn, CK Anderson. 2018. Customer Satisfaction through Service Excellence: The Importance of Focused Training. Cornell Hospitality Report. 18(9).
- CK Anderson S Han. 2018. Indexing Hotel Brand Reputation. Cornell Hospitality Report. 18(7)
- CK Anderson and S. Han.2018. Living without OTAs – A Summary of the Performance Impacts Resulting from the OTA Delisting of Columbus Georgia. Cornell Hospitality Report. 18(3)
- CK Anderson, S Han. 2017. Billboard Effect: Still Alive and Well. Cornell Hospitality Report 17 (11).
- CK Anderson, S Han. 2016. Hotel performance impact of socially engaging with consumers. Cornell Hospitality Report 16 (10).
- CK Anderson. 2012.The Impact of Social Media on Lodging Performance. Cornell Hospitality Report. 12(15)
- CK Anderson. 2011. Search, OTAs, and Online Booking: An Expanded Analysis of the Billboard Effect Cornell Hospitality Report.11(8).
- G Bodenlos, V Bogert, D Gordon, C Hearne, and CK Anderson. 2010. Best Practices in Search Engine Marketing and Optimization: The Case of the St. James Hotel Cornell Hospitality Report 11 (2)
- CK Anderson and R. Yan. 2010. Making the most of Priceline’s NYOP Channel. Cornell Center for Hospitality Research Report.
- CK Anderson. 2010. Setting Prices on Priceline. Cornell Center for Hospitality Research Brief
- CK Anderson. 2009. The Billboard Effect: Online Travel Agent Impact on Non-OTA Reservation Volume. Cornell Center for Hospitality Research Report.
- CK Anderson. 2008. Setting Room Rates on Priceline. Cornell Center for Hospitality Research Report.
- R Verma, CK Anderson, M Dixon, CA. Enz, GM. Thompson, and L Victorino. 2008. Elements in Service Innovation: Insights for the Hospitality Industry. Cornell Center for Hospitality Research Report.
- PC. Bell, CK. Anderson, and SP. Kaiser. 2001. Is there life after Edelman? OR/MS Today June, pp. 26-31.
Industry Experience and Engagement
- EXPEDIA IQ (2016-present)
Inaugural member of Expedia Industry Quorum (IQ), a forum for elevating and discussing industry issues and opportunities. A platform for both Experts and Expedia to lend their voice and credibility to the ongoing, and ever-changing travel industry narrative. From distribution challenges and incremental revenue opportunities, to the impact of socioeconomic issues on global travel.
HSMAI is committed to growing business for hotels and their partners, and is the industry's leading advocate for intelligent, sustainable hotel revenue growth. The association provides hotel professionals & their partners with tools, insights, and expertise to fuel sales, inspire marketing, and optimize revenue
- Board Member – America’s Board (2018-present)
- Board Member - Revenue Management Advisory Board (2010-present).
- HOTELSOFT (2015-present)
Advisory Board Member
HotelSoft is a hospitality technology company providing revenue management and business analytics intelligence to hotels globally.
Managing Director
Innovative Analytix is a management consulting firm in Toronto, Ontario. IA specializes in using quantitative analysis for decision making and the development of prototype decision support systems.
- LEVEL60 CONSULTING (2016-present)
Provides technology-bases business solutions of all sizes across all industries. We specialize in the development of websites, mobile apps, dashboard reports and business intelligence solutions leveraging best-in-class technologies and a proven engagement approach.
- PRICEWHISPERS Ltd.(2009-2016)
Co-Founder and Chief Scientist is retail distribution firm that offers an innovative patent pending auction mechanism for retailers to reach price sensitive customers while still maintaining price integrity at regular outlets.